Tuesday, January 20, 2015


               Mays Gilliam's character grows throughout the movie in many ways. Mays is chosen by a political party to run for preseident so that in the next election a certain person could win. When Mays is asked to run for president he is extremely honored and happy. Throughout the movie his campaign
team had to control him because Mays just said what he thought. Towards the end of the movie Mays discovers that they had picked him because they wanted him to fail and he fires his campaign team. At this point Mays was doing really good in the election and he contined on by himself. One of Mays' team members begged him for another chance as well as May's campaign director and they continued on to win the election. Mays grew up in the ' ghetto ' and his politicl platform forcused a lot on the less fortunate and minoritys which ultimatley won him the election.

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